Sunday, June 5, 2011


Sorry for the inconvenience, I guess my audio decided not to publish!

Here is the direct link to the playlist

Friday, June 3, 2011

Blog 8B

The first super hero and villain would like to compare are the super people that Katie Mack created. While watching I noticed that there was a lot of emphasis on SATURATION and MOOD. Saturation was demonstrated well by both characters. First the super hero, Sonica, was dressed in extremely bright colors and her powers were represented in very bright colors. There were points I had to turn the brightness on my computer down because the colors started hurting my eyes. But Sonica was wearing pure yellow and shouted out bright blue sonic waves. Psycho was almost the exact opposite of Sonica. You could also see the mood of the characters quite clearly though the way they moved. Sonica used flying as her main transportation, and while Psycho was grounded, one could sense his power though the intense purple psychic flames that emanated from his body.

The second super hero I would like to discuss are the ones that Morgan Messenheimer created. I can’t remember their names but I do remember what they represented. The first I would like to point out is the Villain. I think that he demonstrated a bad guy quite well. Even in the picture that they created for them had SHADOWS in the background as well as scattered around the English lord, which was directly paralleled by the Irish boy that he frequently fought against. The second thing that I noticed was HUE. The Villian was cloaked in blacks and blues, which I think gave him a more mysterious feel and made him look more cunning than brute like. This was also paralleled by the hero by using reds and yellow to explain his goodness. Though red is often used as more of an evil color, when pared with the right complementary, the person in question tends to look more confident and powerful, then evil.

The Third villain/hero combo I am going to critique are Lauren Worthington’s. I would like to discuss WEIGHT and BRIGHTNESS for her two super people. I chose weight because I thought that her villain was an almost perfect example on how a person’s stance can give the same person more weight than they actually have. As you can see for his picture, the villain is crouching close to the ground with his arms out and his hands pointing down towards the ground. This pose creates weight in the character, not only giving off the impression of physical weight, but also the fact that he is a powerful opponent and is not likely to be pushed around. This is directly contrasted with the hero, the nurse, who looks to be light on her feet and though she does not create much visual weight, she does give off the impression of cunning and being light on her feet. Brightness can be used for both of them as well. The hero is incased in bright pink, automatically making the viewer think that she is the good guy or at least a better person than the villain, who is dressed in dark reds and blacks. 


                                                                          Or this?
My response is on the right (american life)!

Blog 9B

My audio response is listed to the right of this blog.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Blog 10

There were three suggestions that I was not sure about. The first was about how one should not change the flaws that they have. I would think that there are some instances that one would have to change their flaws. If the flaws that you have are hindering the way you can progress as a person and a business owner, then it would be in your best interest to change that flaw. It doesn’t matter that you stay true to yourself if you have started many businesses but can’t keep them open because you are extremely rude to your customers or bring in bad merchandise because you are too cheap to buy good products. So I completely disagree with his notion of forgetting your flaws. Realizing and adapting your flaws help to make you grow into a better person.
I do like how he says that it is extremely difficult to fix your weaknesses and to build your strengths. I can completely understand where he is coming from when he says this. If a person tries to do both, they often are let down by then end product because they realize that they ended up accomplishing neither. His analogy of K-mart, Target and Walmart was a perfect example of this point. Even though I think that target is a bad example of the opposite of walmart (though I am not sure what would be a better equivalent) he demonstrated his point extremely well, and helped to bring his point to light to those who are not quite sure of what he means. From this manifesto, I learned many things. But the one that I never realized was that K-mart went bankrupt. This may be from the fact that I have one right by my house and many people I know still work there.
I think I liked his eighth point the best, mostly because it told you to be different. Though this point is extremely cliché, it makes most people feel better about themselves. It helps to bring hope to those who think that they are too weird to function in normal society. It also makes others jealous of the confidence that exudes from those who are dubbed “weird”. These are truly the people who do not care what “normal” society thinks of them. They do not try and change themselves for others and stay as true to themselves as they can. I admire them because I can’t help but be embarrassed when I have to admit that I play WoW. Or any of the other EXTREMELY nerdy things that I do, sometimes I wonder what I spend more time with, my computer or my friends. Normal society would say that it is bad I would have to question it. I just like to think I am getting more acquainted with the tools of my future trade. But even by brushing them off, I can’t help but feel ashamed that I might spend more time with an inanimate object.
I think I have found what it means to be creative for me. Unfortunately I still have a hard time trying to figure out what other people want or to make up original ideas. Though it is hard to thin of anything that is not already out, I would still like to be the one who things of a great idea and be recognized for it, just like everyone else. I think that is why I decided to specialize in digital media. I can make a great work of art with other great minds and though the main company would be recognized for it, I would still be in the team that made it.

Blog 9A

            I thought that there were a couple things that we did not get across well in the presentation. This game seemed to get away from us as we were trying to figure out what exactly it would entail. One of the things that I think we did not get across very well were the OBJECTIVES. I think that they were difficult to get across because the game did sort of run away from us. But what we meant was that the player could choose how to get their materials. They could go along with the natives and get limited amounts of food and materials given to them or they could go out and defy what the natives want and get unlimited amounts off supplies but they would have to find them around the island.  One thing that I think we got across well was the MECHANICS. I think this is because mechanics of games are usually straightforward and are easiest to explain. There are not any ways explain health bar any more clearer.
            One thing I wish we did though was make a couple of freeze frames. I am a very visual person and I find it difficult to be able to sufficiently understand a concept with out some sort of visual. I think by doing this, we could have cleared up much of the confusion our audience was experiencing along with creating a more enjoyable presentation and presenting a more complete idea.