Friday, April 1, 2011

My LEG! Post 1

     Yes, that is my leg. With a beautiful rainbow of gummy bears on top of it, which describes be wonderfully!

     I decided the 8AM lab time for several reasons. At first it was to have as few classes on Friday as possible, which I succeeded in. But it was also because I thought it would be most convenient if I decided to go home on a Thursday. Since earning that I could not miss, that goal was in vain. But I do not regret that decision, for this is the perfect way to fix my sleeping habits! No more staying up until four in the morning because I decided to take a super long nap. This class gives me an excuse to take a nap after as well, nothing is more refreshing than a mid morning nap...

     I also chose this time because it makes the day feel so much longer and early classes make me feel like I accomplished something, even if it is just typing my thoughts on a blog. 

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